Privacy Policy

MyTravelFirst strives to win your trust by providing top-notch safety and security services to our customers. We operate with the mantra of prioritizing your satisfaction that every information that you have provided to our team is safe with us and that no breach of your possible using that data. We believe in keeping your personal information and details intact and secure. To ensure the trust of customers we maintain discrepancies in our Privacy Policy.

Please go through the privacy policy of First Travel to get an idea of how we collect and use your information. Also, note that we do not share your information with any third party without your knowledge and apart from the already mentioned circumstances under the privacy policy of the company.

The customers must also note that upon their sharing their information with First Travels, it is pre-assumed that they have read and agree to the Privacy Policy of First Travel and that the company is under no circumstances questioned upon its Privacy Policy by the customer.

Your Details:

The Personal Details of a customer include their Name, Contact Number, Email Address, Postal Address, Account Details, Passport Number, Traveller number assigned by their respective agency, and every other information that was added on the information page while booking the flight. Further, any information that you disclose regarding your family or relatives, it will be assumed that the customer is authorized of sharing the details and that he allows the company to consider the information under the Privacy Policy of First Travel.

Collection of your Information:

While Booking your ticket: The process of booking flight tickets needs a proper verification of the identity of the passenger. Thus this information is collected at the stage and hence the data is collected and stored by First Travel as well.

Interaction with Customer-care: When the customers contact the helpdesk, our first and foremost procedure is the collection of basic information about them. Your identification details are required for you to avail of any of our services. During this collection, customers themselves disclose these details in a response to the questions asked.

A Third-party Platform: MyTravelFirst might access the publicly available databases of information, or might get your details from the joint marketing partner details, we also reach our customers through social media platforms, and thus these are our supplementary sources of gaining information that is authorized by the law and is also counted as the appropriate measures for marketing. The privacy policy applies to this information as well.

Using your Personal Information:

While making Payments: The personal information that you register while making the payments like the cardholder's name, card number, expiration date, etc utilized to initiate and successfully process the payment for your bookings. You must know that we never save or store these details regarding payment in our database.

Management and confirmation: Your personal information can be utilized to provide updates regarding your confirmations or while managing your account to receive important notifications regarding your travel.

Customizations: Your details are used in the customization of your travel plans like additions or changes to the itinerary or to provide membership details or provide rewards.

For making Contact: Your details can be utilized for the extraction of further pieces of information from you, to reach out to you regarding our offers, to resolve disputes, and to take action in case of any illegal activities.

Regarding Information: We use your data to enforce our terms and conditions on the customers as well as for any other cause that has been informed to you during the process of data collection.

MyTravelFirst can send emails or text messages to develop a constant connection with its customers and to update you regarding the deals at the company. Any customer unwilling to receive this information can choose to disable it anytime at their end. These contacts have been curated to best suit the customer's requirements.

Where do we share your Personal Information?

At MyTravelFirst we deal with a large number of customers daily thus it becomes highly important for us to adhere to our customer care policies of respecting and protecting your personal information. There can be instances where MyTravelFirst might have to share your details with other involved parties solely to enhance your travel experience.

Independent Vendors: Companies or Independent Vendors have been allied with MyTravelFirst to provide certain services like CC Processing, Marketing, Customer Support, Fraud Prevention, etc on the behalf of MyTravelFirst and are authorized to get customer information from our end. This information is necessary for the operation of our website. These Vendors have not been granted permission to share this information any further.

Independent Suppliers: Every time you make a reservation through the website of MyTravelFirst you authorize us to share your details with other suppliers and service providers working with us. This process is necessary to successfully process your booking. MyTravelFirst’s Privacy Policy does not bring into consideration these suppliers and thus the further handling of your data will be subject to the respective privacy policies of these companies.

Travel-related Firms: MyTravelFirst has and will make partnerships with different travel-related companies to bag the best deals for your traveling endeavors. These Travel-related service providers such as the airline aggregators or consolidators and the agencies that are involved can demand customer details as a part of the complete process of your bookings.

Possible Third-parties

Our corporate affiliates can also have access to the data when and where necessary.

To adhere to the court orders or for any legal process that has been initiated under the customer’s name.

In case any legal objection or rights arise, or during any risk of legal claims on the company.

When there is a need for research or investigation regarding a passenger, to commence legal actions or to work against any suspected illegal activities by the customer. MyTravelFirst greatly values the safety and security of its customers thus any suspected illegal actions will be instantly reported.

Sharing of the data if any situation of merger, divestiture, consolidation, or bankruptcy arise.

Your Sensitive Information: MyTravelFirst under no circumstances pressurizes its customers to disclose any sensitive information. In case any party under the name of MyTravelFirst demands these details it is the customers' responsibility to identify and take action against the malpractice.

Note: Customers switching websites using any link that is available on the website of MyTravelFirst need to be aware of the fact that once you land on another website, the privacy policy of MyTravelFirst is not in action. The respective policies of that particular website are now to be followed.

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